Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012, the year of contact, and Saucer Sex from Beyond

2012, the year of contact?

My interests in UFO lore and research brings us to the year of 2012.  According to Mayan myth, the world will stop or change in December of this coming year.  The whole doomsday aspect of it bothered me, not just because I didn't want the world to end, but the whole 'time stopping' aspect goes against the Mayan idea of time, ie, it was circular instead a long string.  Could the 'doomsday' aspect be another misinterpretation of a forgotten culture?  All we know from them are several pamplets saved from the destruction of both the rival cultures and the Spanish invaders to their indigenous culture.  Perhaps, the world changing event will be from the sky, and the world will change from the proof that we are not alone.

It has been an amazing year with new discoveries of alien worlds, and 'unexplained' quirks of space probe data.  Recently, there was an anomaly of a potential 'bogey' near Mercury.  The video is definitely interesting, and the debunkers claim it actually Mercury has a 'it's only swamp gas' kind of knee jerk denial from mainstream press and scientists.  If it is a UFO, it is a titantic sized craft, cloaked invisible in our solar system.

What is it?  Time will tell....

Saucer Sex from Beyond

I took my interest from UFO conspiracy theories, and my love of surreal 60's exploitation films (the acid eaters, the Chooper, Plan 9 from outerspace), and prodding from my cinema muse Roni Jonah and made a film called Saucer Sex from Beyond.  It's strictly a comedy, but there are little nods to conspiracy aspects...the goverment wanting alien technology for a weapon, conspiracy and coverup, and of course alien thought implant technology (ie, saucer sex).  It has nudity, saucer sex, and puppets, and isn't for the weak hearted!  Banned off of amazon instant video for a time, it was recently reinstated...on Amazon VOD and Dynamoplayer.

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