Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

silenced by the men in black?

Silenced by the men in black?

the sinister men in black

When you think of men in black, you automatically think of Will Smith and others fighting alien hordes in a broad comedy.  Most reports of the real men in black are anything but comedic or pleasant, and usually involve weird men in black flashing nebulous government ids and driving brand new model cars completely in black to put pressure on any UFO witnesses.  There are numerous examples of men in black intimidation, but I'll focus on one incident involving the infamous mothman sightings of point pleasant.

sketch of the mothman
In the mid to late sixities in the sleepy town of point pleasant, sightings of an enormous creature with piercing red eyes were coming in at a frantic rate, the press dubbed the creature 'the mothman'. Quickly adding to the hysteria were the arrival of the mysterious men in black.  Mary Hyre, reporter for the nearby The Athens Messenger had done several stories about the mysterious mothman and its connection with old abandoned TNT munitions plant outside of point pleasant. 

Soon she reported she was followed by dark automobiles, and was paid a visit by mysterious men in black who pressured her to drop her work with the mothman.  Mary refused to be intimitaded by her visitors and they left.  Soon after, Mary had passed away of a heart ailment, even though she had no history of heart problems.

Was Mary silenced by the men in black?  Mary's close friend, paranormal writer John Keel, hinted that Mary had hit upon some fantastic connection with the mothman, and was silenced by the sinister men in black.  Adding fuel to the mystery was complete disappearance of the mothman creature from point pleasant.  Just what was the supposed creature is now guesswork of history, and Mary's 'explosive' story was snuffed out just like the woman who perhaps got too close to the truth.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Silence The Cloud buster

Silence The Cloud buster
The Cloud Buster at work

Few scientists ever had as much controversy as Wilhelm Reich.  Once a promising disciple of Freud, Reich branched into his theories about the unconscious, sexuality, and new sciences, he eventually got in trouble with FDA, who promptly ordered his machines and written works to be burned in bonfires.  To some, his death was not 'natural causes' since he was due to be released within weeks of his imprisionment, but rather a coordinated efforted to keep 'the Cloud buster' quiet.

Reich's main work before Orgone was the seminal book, 'The Mass psychology of Facism', which explored the effect Hitler had on the german population.  He was well respected by academia, and had a promising career in analysis like Freud, and Jung.  At this juncture, Reich established his own theory of the unconscious called Orgone, which in a nutshell said the libido wasn't a state of mind but a cosmic energy of blue that came from all people. Just how this quasi proto star wars 'force' idea came from the analysis is an interesting progression.

It started off with his theory of orgone, which essentially is the life force of all creatures (which started off a lot like the 'id' of Freud, but with Reich was the reason of all diseases and neurotic problems, orgone needed complete sexual release from people or they would armor themselves with neurotic to eventual physical problems).  To that end, Reich started experimenting with strange devices to harvest and collect orgone.  Driven from most countries, he eventually did work in America.  Reich, was his own worst enemy, with his paranoid theories about 'communists in America's elite' bent on discrediting him and his work.  He started more elaborate an exotic machines to harvest the 'good' Orgone and the evil 'T-bacilli'...his theories took on possible engines with orgone.

He could claim he could create rain with his futuristic looking orgone transmitters, and allegedly provided dought relief to farmers.  Other devices could be space weapons with orgone, and he also believed collectors that could allegedly slow down the progress of cancer in some patients.  A reporter for The New Republic, Mildred Bradley. did  a piece on him, saying that machines could cure cancer (Reich didn't claim that), and played up the idea of a scientist who was measuring couples having sex for some kind of perverted science.  Some believe this was a smear piece to exaggerate the findings of Orgone and cast Reich as a pervert scientist who claimed he could cure cancer with Orgone. 

the article that brought down the cloud buster

It was that claim, that Reich finally got afoul of the U.S. government, and with a quick show trial, the cloud buster was jailed.  His work and machines mostly destroyed, and despite the claims his mail was opened and he feared for his life, most ignored Reich.  Was the cloud buster silenced for his work?

Oddly enough the story of Wilhelm Reich was told loosely in a Kate Bush music video 'Cloudbusting' with actor Donald Sutherland as 'Reich'.

Recently, there has been a rediscovering of his work.  Reich was years before the idea of wholistic healing and the idea of the mind, life force, or orgone is only now being considered by science.  It is a tragedy that most of his work on an alleged new science that had lofty goals for the advancement of humanity was consumed by government book burnings.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Occult Secrets of the UFO" ebook on kindle

My nonfiction book, Occult Secrets of the UFO, is now available on kindle.  Strange sex, warlocks, and cover up conspiracy involving UFO craft and possible alien creatures.

For more information, click on the link below.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Did we land on the moon?

I made a fun film exploring the idea behind 'the faked Moon landing'.  This idea is always a hot button issue with some in the UFO community.  Some are completely convinced there was a big cover up and faked so we could beat the Russians, and others who just as passionately say we landed on the moon (for the record I do think we landed on the moon, but there is some things that some talk about the moon landing that you do say 'hmmm').