Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012, the year of contact, and Saucer Sex from Beyond

2012, the year of contact?

My interests in UFO lore and research brings us to the year of 2012.  According to Mayan myth, the world will stop or change in December of this coming year.  The whole doomsday aspect of it bothered me, not just because I didn't want the world to end, but the whole 'time stopping' aspect goes against the Mayan idea of time, ie, it was circular instead a long string.  Could the 'doomsday' aspect be another misinterpretation of a forgotten culture?  All we know from them are several pamplets saved from the destruction of both the rival cultures and the Spanish invaders to their indigenous culture.  Perhaps, the world changing event will be from the sky, and the world will change from the proof that we are not alone.

It has been an amazing year with new discoveries of alien worlds, and 'unexplained' quirks of space probe data.  Recently, there was an anomaly of a potential 'bogey' near Mercury.  The video is definitely interesting, and the debunkers claim it actually Mercury has a 'it's only swamp gas' kind of knee jerk denial from mainstream press and scientists.  If it is a UFO, it is a titantic sized craft, cloaked invisible in our solar system.

What is it?  Time will tell....

Saucer Sex from Beyond

I took my interest from UFO conspiracy theories, and my love of surreal 60's exploitation films (the acid eaters, the Chooper, Plan 9 from outerspace), and prodding from my cinema muse Roni Jonah and made a film called Saucer Sex from Beyond.  It's strictly a comedy, but there are little nods to conspiracy aspects...the goverment wanting alien technology for a weapon, conspiracy and coverup, and of course alien thought implant technology (ie, saucer sex).  It has nudity, saucer sex, and puppets, and isn't for the weak hearted!  Banned off of amazon instant video for a time, it was recently reinstated...on Amazon VOD and Dynamoplayer.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

UFO crash in Kentucky (full movie on youtube)

Speculation about the rumored UFO crash that took place in Kentucky in the mid to late 60's. Unfortunately the evidence is almost nil, and the rumors are all we have to go on since most witnesses are scared to come forward about it (don't believe that most people are willing to come forward...UFO experiences still carry social stigmas). I try to piece together what I can, offer some speculation, and hopefully in the future this alleged event could have more people willing to come forward about the UFO crash in Kentucky.

I take UFO research pretty seriously, and even though most of my other films are bawdy comedies, this film is serious in content and manner, and I host it in a serious manner.

25 minutes color

The film is also available for download to own and rent on amazon instant video. Click here for the link.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ronald Reagan's UFO warning

President Ronald Reagan announced in UN speech that the powers of the world would unite if there was an alien invasion.  Some put it down to his love of science fiction augmenting a political speech, but others who know of both his experience with UFO's aren't so sure.  After all was said and done...was it a warning?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Misadventures in Space (full movie @ youtube) with Lloyd Kaufman and Naomi st. Claire. Written and directed by Jerry Williams

The craxy non pc 'Star Trek' Parody, Misadventures in Space, is now on youtube.  Action!  Science fiction!  Cardboard sets and non PC humor!  With Troma's Lloyd Kaufman (Toxic Avenger, Terror Firmer, Zeppo) as Lord Admiral Kaufman.  Adult Film actress Naomi St. Claire, Cherokee Hall, and Chad Hundley star is this affectionate spoof of Star Trek and all thing science fiction!  Written and directed by Jerry Williams 74 minutes.

Monday, September 19, 2011

UFO crash in Kentucky

A film about an alleged UFO crash in Kentucky in the late 60's ala Roswell. All we have is vague rumors, and reluctant accounts of what happened in Kentucky. Here is a summary of the possible event, available on amazon instant video.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Queen of the Cursed World is on blip tv

Queen of the Cursed World is on

Heroes, evil queens of space, robots, nude zombies, and horny puppets. Fun science fiction parody equal George Lucas Star Wars and old school Buck Rogers meets Benny Hill!

49 minutes, color, for mature audiences...

Starring Cherokee Hall, Chad Hundley, Leslie Rogers, and other strangers in the Z space universe!

Written and directed by Jerry Williams

watch 'Queen of Cursed World' uncut on blip tv...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Roni Jonah, Fright Night's Ken Daniels, and Cow Tippers from outerspace

Roni Jonah

In this blog, you will meet more of the 'saucer oracle' Roni Jonah. A talented actress and filmmaker...she did a fantastic turn in the saucer sexodus trilogy (I'm currently working on the third and final film of that series). She is currently working on her first feature film as a director with feather italian films called 'The Zombie Movie'

you're a model, actress, director, efx artist, etc...what interests you and brings you to a project? What projects or ideas interest you to bring to your own film projects?

I'm interested in doing things I've not done before. I'm drawn to things that are different. I'm not really partial to any one genre. I want to do everything. I tend to turn away things I've done, in favor of more variety.

Question 2
You have several films and projects with featheritalian films. How did that come about?

I met Jason in LA. He had started the company, but had only done a few short films. I pushed them to use their talent for bigger things. In the process I've learned a great deal.

Question 3
You're set to direct your first feature film, the zombie movie, where would someone would go to find out about the film? Did making shorts like Trepan fuel the hunger to make a feature?

I suppose so. I had the idea for TZM when I first met Jason, but we both felt we needed some practice. We made The Legacy, which helped a lot. And then Trepan, and several shorts after that. Making several things and working on other people's projects has really brought me a long way in learning what makes a successful feature.

Question 4
any stories you'd like to share about making films? Good, bad, and the plain insane?

I would say Hell House covers all of those things. Hell House is Jason's baby. We started shooting that several years ago and that film is cursed. There's been car wrecks, relationship disasters, death, terrible acting and, of course, it's been a location nightmare. If we can find just haunted attraction (that isn't run by some one shitty) that we can film at for a weekend, we will be wrapped on that thing.

Question 5
If someone wanted to know about you or feathered italian films..where would they go?

Question 6
You're in several webshows(girl/girl scene), films(sword bearer, comic book world, demoralized), and miss splatter tribe, etc...any shout outs to other productions out there?

Love the people at
Check out Swordbearer and Stephen Zimmer on Facebook! Or at a convention near you!
Along with the Cineline Productions folks!
Look for Hell House!
TZM coming this summer!

Ken Daniels of Fright Night Film Festival

Ken Daniels is the driving force of Fright Night Film Festival which is a big draw from around the country, and it is based out of Louisville Kentucky. As someone who has seen plenty of sci fi and horror films, I asked him several questions.

Tell us who you are?

I'm Ken Daniels Executive Producer of Fright Night Film Fest and FandomFest in Louisville, Kentucky. Co-Promoter of 3 other Conventions. Executive Producer of "The Lucky Break", Writer, Producer, Director of "The Blind Massuese". All around geek, good guy and friend to many.

What is the best sci in your opinion?

Depends, My favorite Sci-Fi Series of recent memory is Firefly. Joss Whedon's Space Western. I enjoy BBC Sci-Fi like Dr. Who, Torchwood and several others tremendously.

The worst?

Plan 9 from Outer Space by Ed Wood, but I also enjoyed it because it was so bad it was good.

Any films out of left field that got your attention?

"Harry Brown" with Michael Caine, "Cube" great little movie, "Primer" another low budget Sci-Fi that's very well done.

Any stories from film festival or movie productions would you like to share.

Shooting in 16 degree weather in February and leaning too close to a propane heater then catching my favorite jacket on fire. That was kind of cool. Having to evacuate our 2009 convention because one of our bands fog machine set off the overly sensitive fire alarm. Having an ambulance arrive the next day to treat one of our celebs. All in a day's work of a promoter/producer.

For more information about Ken Daniels, and Frightnight, please check out the Fright Night website.

Cow Tippers from OuterSpace

Coming up soon is a film From Squirrely Cow Films being shot in Indiana called Cow Tippers from is a sneak peek...I shall have an interview with writer/director Matthew Enstrom next time.

Don't forget to check out us on! (UFO Blur Zone)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Filmmaker James Smith - Point Pleasant and the Mothman, Roni Jonah in Saucer Sexodus, and Crop Circles (UFO blur zone )

Welcome to UFO blur zone. This blog will touch on the serious and sometimes not so serious aspects of the UFO experience.
Filmmaker James Smith and DBC films in association with Silver Chain films have recently completed work on about the Mothman called POINT PLEASANT. Here is writer/director James Smith talking about his latest film.

Give us a quick overview of what you do.

James Smith, owner of D.B.C Entertainment, wrote his first screenplay at the age of sixteen. Since then he has written countless short stories, scripts and three novels.
Smith had participated in several Performing Arts productions throughout grammar and high school, including his first leading role in “Secrets in the Toy Room.”

James Smith has written, directed or starred in the following films: “Shoot the Moon”, “Room 110”, “The Runaway”, “Tea Party”, “The Unlucky Few”, “Chronicles of Cross”, “Saucer Sexodus”, "Hate the Living, Love the Dead", "Point Pleasant", and “Take Back.”

Currently, he is working on another novel based off his second feature film, and his television series “Insecurity.”

Which brings us to your film, what brought this film about?

Point Pleasant is a 1st person film that is based off the Mothman sighting of Point Pleasant West Virginia. It takes you through the investigation by a paranormal research group, along with seeing it through the eyes of several others along the way, which mixes it up and makes it stand out from other 1st person features such as The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, Cloverfield and others.

Any stories about producing the film that you like to share?
Point Pleasant was a blast to work on. Filming in 1st person is a whole other filming "entity". The shots are so much more brutal as you have several actors who must go through an entire scene together, sometimes as long as 6 minutes, and if one person messes up the have to redo the entire scene once again from the start. But, like always, the DBC Family has a blast on set regardless of what we are doing.

If someone was interested in this film, where would they go to find out more?

If someone wanted to purchase this film, where would they go?
As of right now the film is only for bootleg sale until the final product is distributed. For those wanting a bootleg edition send an inquiry to to request a copy, or send a check or money order of $10.00 (Payable to James Smith) to

DBC Entertainment
1668 South Highway 211
Salt Lick, Ky. 40371

muchas gracias James Smith of DBC Entertainment!

Shauna Tackett, one of the stars of POINT PLEASANT

Crop Circles in UFO Digest

I will have a video feed for this blog soon (still in the kicking the tires phase), but for this first blog, please check out my recent article in UFO digest about crop circles.

crop circles

Here is Roni Jonah, actress/model/director of many films. She also one of the stars of Saucer Sexodus....I shall be interviewing the 'saucer Oracle' Roni Jonah soon....

For more information, check out her webpage...

UFO Blur Zone will also have clips/trailer/video with all aspects of the UFO culture...check out the promo on

also for the not so serious, here is a webshow about sci fi serial madness with UFO aspects to it called 'Corso in Z space'

I will be adding interviews, articles, and more in coming blogs.