Showing posts with label ufo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ufo. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Elvis and his UFO connection

Elvis and his UFO connection
Elvis and his UFO connection

Long a pop culture joke of Elvis connected to UFO's in song and lore, it turns out that Elvis actually does have a strong UFO connection.  Although raised as an only child, Elvis's twin was stillborn 30 minutes before he was delivered.   That event haunted Elvis, and led to the King of rock and roll having an extensive collection of paranormal, occult, and UFO books  which traveled with the King wherever he went, much to the chagrin of Col Tom Parker.  A well circulated story was Elvis met strange aliens when he was a boy and showed him a man in a white suit which sounds like the iconic white jump suit of legend.

If aliens and 'UFO's' are manifestations of the ultraterrestrials ala John Keel, it would make sense that they would have a vested interest in Elvis Presley.   His embrace of black music, and shocking sexual innuendo would light the fuse for rock and roll, racial culture awareness, politics, and every aspect of celebrity decades later and beyond.  Who knows?  Maybe those old sun records have a literal paranormal UFO connection of the man who changed society with rock and roll.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention my fun little book on this and other strange aspects called 'Elvis in the UFO and other weirdness' on amazon in print and for kindle...

click here for more info...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monsters of the UFO is now on Amazon!

My book, Monsters of the UFO, which goes into the weird world of the link between the paranormal and UFO's is available on Amazon in book or kindle format.  I explore the loch ness monster, men in black, and the ideas of Keel and Holiday. Click on the pic for more information.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My paranormal UFO encounter (from 'Monsters of the UFO)

  This is an excerpt from my book, Monsters of the UFO, which should be available world wide very soon.

My paranormal UFO encounter

I would be remiss if I didn't include my encounter with a UFO that delved into the weird paranormal realm.  My wife and I were walking to a parking garage when we both spotted something out of the ordinary.  It seemed at first like an odd shaped plane flying in an odd pattern when I realized something was definitely off about it.  I quickly grabbed my pocket HD mini camcorder and fixing the object's position near a lamp post.  I remember following the object keeping it in the view finder and talking to my wife as we observed the flight of the strange object.  Quickly the object went out of sight, and I was confident I had some concrete evidence of what we had seen.

I was shocked and surprised on the playback there was nothing to be seen.

Baffled by this, I still uploaded the video onto youtube.  I was mystified by disappearance of the object.  Did I imagine it?  My wife and I both saw the object and I remember taking the time to use the lamp post as a reference point for the path of the object.  Ironically, you can still hear the audio of us talking about the object where there is nothing on the video playback.

Only later after dealing with the strange concepts of UFOs, and monsters of the UFO from the ideas of Holiday, Keel, and Swann could I go back to my strange UFO video and look at it differently.  The concept is UFO's, men in black, bigfoot, and sea serpents such as the Loch Ness Monster are in effect paranormal things that can wink in and out of our existence and come from dimensions beyond our comprehension.  Thus the hundred of years of eye witness testimony of strange creatures, and aerial phenomenon that could now be called UFO's with modern ideas and pop culture.  Yet other than shaky evidence, nothing solid to back up the eye witness accounts.

If UFO's and other creatures of the UFO are truly paranormal things connecting worlds, perhaps we 'saw' the object either by some form of telepathy, but the technology of the camcorder simply isn't sensitive enough to capture something that could be flittering about the dimensions.  One of the frustrating aspects of the monsters from the UFO is the lack of concrete proof that cannot be replicated in laboratory conditions, and so like my camcorder footage...its subjective proof which is only backed up by personal accounts.  Perhaps with more advancements in science and detections can we truly see monsters of the UFO.

For the blog UFO Blur zone, I've also included the link to the video I took that day...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mission Control, there is a Santa Claus

Mission Control, there is a Santa Claus

I recently put together a non fiction film about the possibility of aliens on the moon.  The topic is a hot button topic with some in the UFO research field, and involves cover ups and disinformation from NASA and other space programs.  Are there aliens on the moon?  Did something else cause the Apollo program to abandon Apollo 18's flight?  Check out the film, and it's available on the embedded link below.

Occult Secrets of the UFO
I have a book about the UFO occult connection.  From the 'space brothers' of the early era of the flying saucer era to 'channeling' of NASA scientists in the race to the moon, there has been an occult connection to the moon.  If folks are interested, check out the picture/link to the book.  I plan on making a follow up book later this year.

Monday, February 18, 2013

the paranormal Bigfoot?

The paranormal Bigfoot?
Bigfoot...creature or something more?

One of the most enduring legends is of a wild hairy creatures that roams the mountain sides and forests world wide.  Some call it the Yeti, the Grey man, or most commonly Bigfoot.  Outside of footprints, and some marginal evidence, the only evidence is first hand sightings.  No remains of Bigfoot, or of any droppings, has yet to pass rigorous scientific testing.  So the basic conflict is there, how can you account for the many sightings of the creature spanning hundreds of years, across the globe, and yet outside of the alleged Patterson film no concrete evidence?

Enter F. W. Holiday's basic idea of the 'phantom menagerie' from his book, the Goblin universe.  Holiday believes after studies the loch ness monster, and other alleged creatures that they may be more of a paranormal creation.  He believes like Jung, that UFO's are not machines from other worlds, but rather paranormal entities.  That the loch ness monster, big foot, and men in black could be paranormal things more akin to medieval demons, and could originate in other dimensions..'winking' into our world at will.  Of course, this is only a theory and unless there is some strong collaborating evidence to support Holiday, it still remains outside mainstream scientific thought.

some say men in black are actually otherworldly things
 Still, perhaps the Bigfoot has more in common with the boogeyman or ghosts then previously thought.  Only with more research can the answer be found.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Loch Ness Monster, paranormal worm from beyond?

Loch Ness Monster, paranormal worm from beyond?

Loch ness monster in a recent sighting?

The Loch Ness monster, or 'Nessie' has become a staple of popular culture, and has been the subject of several hi tech searches of the murky waters to capture or spot the monster.  Some say Nessie is a hidden dinosaur, and others say it is a hoax with many delusional people seeing the sea monster.  The fact remains, outside of folklore, sighting and shaky photo evidence, nothing concrete is there about Nessie.  Could there be a more bizarre and other worldly explanation to the existence of the Loch Ness Monster?

Are dragons a myth or something more otherworldly?

Enter paranormal investor, F.W. Holiday, and his book 'The dragon and the disc' which concludes that the stories of the Loch Ness monster point out to a real creature, yet it was also connected the UFO mythos of sea serpents from other worlds...other dimensions.

connecting the 'orm with UFO and paranormal mythos

He supports the idea that nessie may be a paranormal creature that is associated with magic, and points out that notorious magician Aliester Crowley had a house on the shore of Loch Ness, and he was rumored to summon a dragon worm to the Loch which ended in failure for Crowley, and this failure began to mark the decline of the warlock.

Crowley is rumored to summon a great worm from beyond

Is Nessie lurking in the waters, or is it something connected to the UFO mythos of men in black, aliens, telepathy, and worms from beyond?  Only with more research can the answer be found.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The third eye

The third eye

Belief in human's potential to interact with the higher or spiritual realm sometimes focuses upon the concept of the third eye.  The idea is someplace in the space on your forehead is a sleeping eye awaiting to open to a newer and deeper reality.  Sometimes known as the third chakra in Indian religions, the third eye also has a signifigance to bring a person closer to another plane of existence.  There is belief that the third eye can let the person see auras, or give them the ability to read minds.

In some UFO circles, there is conjecture that this third eye is also a connection with other dimensional creatures that may be the 'aliens' of the flying saucers and UFOs.  It is true after the first modern sightings of UFO in the 1940's, there was an explosion of 'contact' stories of aliens, usually Nordic looking creatures who would contact people about the connection with aliens.  The people with elaborate contact stories were usually to a person, occultists who dabbled in channelling and the idea of the third eye took on a ways and means of contacting the creatures from beyond.  The blurring between the UFO and some proto new age thought had already taken root in some parts of popular culture.

It's easy to be amused by these claims, until you realize that the father of the Saturn V and most modern rocket engine designs from combat to science, Wernher Von Braun, always claimed that when they were working on the V-2 rockets for Nazi germany, that the scientists used channeling as a ways and means to gather knowledge from the others from the unknown beyond.  With this secret knowledge, designs from the V2 rocket were perfected until the Saturn V would take men to the moon years later.

Apollo rocket scientist and channeler Wernher Von Braun

Perhaps 'the others' helped rocket design plans via the third eye.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1639- America's first recorded UFO and alien abduction

Alien space craft in 1639?

When you think of aliens, UFOs, and alien abduction, most people think of the famous 'Betty and Barney Hill' case from the early 60's.  However there is some support that the first recorded UFO and alien abduction case came much earlier in 1639.

Muddy River, outside of Boston

Governor John Winthrop wrote in his journal of a strange case of men on the Muddy River observed a great light which they followed for some time, suddenly this great light contracted into the shape of a pig, and after it had left the men had found themselves mysteriously back at their original spot up river.  The journal took great pains to say that these were men of good character, and implied others had also seen this light.

Governor John Winthrop

The takeaway from this is men from that time period described the light contracting in a shape of a pig which could be a craft with landing struts of some kind.  The mysterious missing time and finding themselves back at the origin point have all the markings of a classic alien abduction case.  Unfortunately outside of the journal, other evidence from that time period is scant, which at that point mass print media simply did not exist in the young country.

Just what happened?  Have UFO's and 'missing time' been a part of the new world from the very beginning?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Occult Secrets of the UFO" ebook on kindle

My nonfiction book, Occult Secrets of the UFO, is now available on kindle.  Strange sex, warlocks, and cover up conspiracy involving UFO craft and possible alien creatures.

For more information, click on the link below.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012, the year of contact, and Saucer Sex from Beyond

2012, the year of contact?

My interests in UFO lore and research brings us to the year of 2012.  According to Mayan myth, the world will stop or change in December of this coming year.  The whole doomsday aspect of it bothered me, not just because I didn't want the world to end, but the whole 'time stopping' aspect goes against the Mayan idea of time, ie, it was circular instead a long string.  Could the 'doomsday' aspect be another misinterpretation of a forgotten culture?  All we know from them are several pamplets saved from the destruction of both the rival cultures and the Spanish invaders to their indigenous culture.  Perhaps, the world changing event will be from the sky, and the world will change from the proof that we are not alone.

It has been an amazing year with new discoveries of alien worlds, and 'unexplained' quirks of space probe data.  Recently, there was an anomaly of a potential 'bogey' near Mercury.  The video is definitely interesting, and the debunkers claim it actually Mercury has a 'it's only swamp gas' kind of knee jerk denial from mainstream press and scientists.  If it is a UFO, it is a titantic sized craft, cloaked invisible in our solar system.

What is it?  Time will tell....

Saucer Sex from Beyond

I took my interest from UFO conspiracy theories, and my love of surreal 60's exploitation films (the acid eaters, the Chooper, Plan 9 from outerspace), and prodding from my cinema muse Roni Jonah and made a film called Saucer Sex from Beyond.  It's strictly a comedy, but there are little nods to conspiracy aspects...the goverment wanting alien technology for a weapon, conspiracy and coverup, and of course alien thought implant technology (ie, saucer sex).  It has nudity, saucer sex, and puppets, and isn't for the weak hearted!  Banned off of amazon instant video for a time, it was recently reinstated...on Amazon VOD and Dynamoplayer.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

UFO crash in Kentucky (full movie on youtube)

Speculation about the rumored UFO crash that took place in Kentucky in the mid to late 60's. Unfortunately the evidence is almost nil, and the rumors are all we have to go on since most witnesses are scared to come forward about it (don't believe that most people are willing to come forward...UFO experiences still carry social stigmas). I try to piece together what I can, offer some speculation, and hopefully in the future this alleged event could have more people willing to come forward about the UFO crash in Kentucky.

I take UFO research pretty seriously, and even though most of my other films are bawdy comedies, this film is serious in content and manner, and I host it in a serious manner.

25 minutes color

The film is also available for download to own and rent on amazon instant video. Click here for the link.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ronald Reagan's UFO warning

President Ronald Reagan announced in UN speech that the powers of the world would unite if there was an alien invasion.  Some put it down to his love of science fiction augmenting a political speech, but others who know of both his experience with UFO's aren't so sure.  After all was said and done...was it a warning?

Monday, September 19, 2011

UFO crash in Kentucky

A film about an alleged UFO crash in Kentucky in the late 60's ala Roswell. All we have is vague rumors, and reluctant accounts of what happened in Kentucky. Here is a summary of the possible event, available on amazon instant video.