Enter into the UFO BLUR ZONE! From all aspects of the UFO culture with writer/filmmaker Jerry Williams! Tips about UFO's monsters, conspiracy happenings, comments, or any weirdness email me at goatboyfilms@yahoo.com
I recently put together a non fiction film about the possibility of aliens on the moon. The topic is a hot button topic with some in the UFO research field, and involves cover ups and disinformation from NASA and other space programs. Are there aliens on the moon? Did something else cause the Apollo program to abandon Apollo 18's flight? Check out the film, and it's available on the embedded link below.
Occult Secrets of the UFO
I have a book about the UFO occult connection. From the 'space brothers' of the early era of the flying saucer era to 'channeling' of NASA scientists in the race to the moon, there has been an occult connection to the moon. If folks are interested, check out the picture/link to the book. I plan on making a follow up book later this year.