Friday, November 30, 2012

Harry Potter's wizard chess

Harry Potter and friends engage in wizard's chess

In this fictional world of Harry Potter, there is a game along with quiddich called wizard's chess which is training for young wizards to hone their power.  What is surprising is that there is actually a modified chess game which allegedly used the game to both instruct and channel the occult.  Chess as a game has an unclear origin, but most believe it was a cross breed of european, hebrew, and some Asian games.  A favorite of nobility...chess became the game of kings, and has retained a mystical aura from its beginnings to modern times.

The modern magic movement started in the late 1800's with the hemetic order of the golden dawn, and they adopted and modified the enochian magic system of occult astrologer John Dee who was an important part of Queen Elizabeth I.

Royal magician of the court, John Dee

S.L. Macgregor Mathers, Leader of the Golden Dawn finished the wizard chess rules of Dee into the form where it could played as both divination and as a regular game of strategy.  The order was in demand in Ireland at the turn of the century bringing in artistic persons such as the poet Yeats.
Mathers on right performing the rites of Isis

Ultimately the order was broken up by Mather's friendship with infamous Aliester Crowley, who evoked such antagonism Yeats and others who found him and his spells repugnant.  Ultimately, the enochian chess is still taught and played today, a complex chess variation that may or may not have the power of divination. 

Enochian chess game

Thursday, November 8, 2012

magic 8 ball and the occult connection

magic 8 ball, and it's occult connection

Everyone has dabbled with the magic 8 ball at least once.  A crystal ball novelty toy with a free floating die in a blue dissolved fluid with 20 possible answers from 'yes' to 'reply hazy'.  What is less known is that this novelty toy has roots in automatic writing and spiritualism.  Albert C. Carter, son of a medium from Cincinnati, created the prototype for the magic 8 ball or as it was known The Syco-Seer, and was based on his mother's automatic writings devices.

Syco seer variation called the Syco-slate late 40's

Carter approached storekeeper Max Levinson, and together they created the novelty devices for his shop and acquired the patent for the syco seer.  Levinson and his brother in law modified the original patent into something Though the original syco seer didn't grab the national attention, the revamped product caught the attention of Chicago's Brunswick Billiards, and in 1950 they commissioned  a version in the form of a traditional black and white 8-ball.

Like automatic writing, the magic 8 ball is novelty device that will give an answer to someone's question.  They concentrate on the question, shake the ball, and a random answer will foretell the future.  The magic eight ball also has some ties to the ancient fortune telling method of tossing coins called, I ching.  Now, a part of popular culture, Carter's device has achieved a fame even he could not see with his pocket fortune teller.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

President Nixon, terrorism, and the soothsayer

President Nixon, terrorism, and the soothsayer

President Nixon who believed in psychic Jeane Dixon
 In this post 9/11 world, many don't realize that most of the nation's infrastructure to antiterrorism had its origin with President Nixon and the soothsayer, celebrity psychic Jeane Dixon.  At that point in her career, Dixon had made several psychic claims that had come to pass (notably the assassination of President Kennedy).   Dixon was well known, and was a consultant to several presidents.

astrologer and psychic Jeane Dixon

In 1949, she predicted Nixon would become president, most scoffed at the idea, but it came to pass that Nixon had indeed become the president of the United States.  Some of her predictions did not pan out, but some of them actually came true to her predictions.  It was this sometimes positive result, that some in power secretly consulted her.  Dixon was a cause of chagrin to the Reagan administration since Nancy Reagan would openly consult Dixon about the travel plans for President Reagan.  Some allege the famous nuclear treaty with Russia was signed on a day that Dixon said would work for President Reagan.

President Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan

Recent information has come out that then president Nixon actually took her vision of a terrorism attack seriously, and from her prediction Nixon established the first nation anti terrorism committee.  Nixon had a comfortable relationship with Dixon, and he nicknamed her the soothsayer and would listen to her input on a number of the events of the day.

After the murder of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich olympic games, she had predicted a terrorist attack would happen in the united states, and Nixon over the protests of Henry Kissinger created the first 'counterterrorism committee'.  The attack never happened, but the first meetings of how to deal with such an event first happened in the white house under President Nixon.

It a strange fact, that the counter terrorism efforts of the United States would be created in response to a prophetic dream vision of washington seer Jeane Dixon.

For more about this story click here...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

silenced by the men in black?

Silenced by the men in black?

the sinister men in black

When you think of men in black, you automatically think of Will Smith and others fighting alien hordes in a broad comedy.  Most reports of the real men in black are anything but comedic or pleasant, and usually involve weird men in black flashing nebulous government ids and driving brand new model cars completely in black to put pressure on any UFO witnesses.  There are numerous examples of men in black intimidation, but I'll focus on one incident involving the infamous mothman sightings of point pleasant.

sketch of the mothman
In the mid to late sixities in the sleepy town of point pleasant, sightings of an enormous creature with piercing red eyes were coming in at a frantic rate, the press dubbed the creature 'the mothman'. Quickly adding to the hysteria were the arrival of the mysterious men in black.  Mary Hyre, reporter for the nearby The Athens Messenger had done several stories about the mysterious mothman and its connection with old abandoned TNT munitions plant outside of point pleasant. 

Soon she reported she was followed by dark automobiles, and was paid a visit by mysterious men in black who pressured her to drop her work with the mothman.  Mary refused to be intimitaded by her visitors and they left.  Soon after, Mary had passed away of a heart ailment, even though she had no history of heart problems.

Was Mary silenced by the men in black?  Mary's close friend, paranormal writer John Keel, hinted that Mary had hit upon some fantastic connection with the mothman, and was silenced by the sinister men in black.  Adding fuel to the mystery was complete disappearance of the mothman creature from point pleasant.  Just what was the supposed creature is now guesswork of history, and Mary's 'explosive' story was snuffed out just like the woman who perhaps got too close to the truth.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The third eye

The third eye

Belief in human's potential to interact with the higher or spiritual realm sometimes focuses upon the concept of the third eye.  The idea is someplace in the space on your forehead is a sleeping eye awaiting to open to a newer and deeper reality.  Sometimes known as the third chakra in Indian religions, the third eye also has a signifigance to bring a person closer to another plane of existence.  There is belief that the third eye can let the person see auras, or give them the ability to read minds.

In some UFO circles, there is conjecture that this third eye is also a connection with other dimensional creatures that may be the 'aliens' of the flying saucers and UFOs.  It is true after the first modern sightings of UFO in the 1940's, there was an explosion of 'contact' stories of aliens, usually Nordic looking creatures who would contact people about the connection with aliens.  The people with elaborate contact stories were usually to a person, occultists who dabbled in channelling and the idea of the third eye took on a ways and means of contacting the creatures from beyond.  The blurring between the UFO and some proto new age thought had already taken root in some parts of popular culture.

It's easy to be amused by these claims, until you realize that the father of the Saturn V and most modern rocket engine designs from combat to science, Wernher Von Braun, always claimed that when they were working on the V-2 rockets for Nazi germany, that the scientists used channeling as a ways and means to gather knowledge from the others from the unknown beyond.  With this secret knowledge, designs from the V2 rocket were perfected until the Saturn V would take men to the moon years later.

Apollo rocket scientist and channeler Wernher Von Braun

Perhaps 'the others' helped rocket design plans via the third eye.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Silence The Cloud buster

Silence The Cloud buster
The Cloud Buster at work

Few scientists ever had as much controversy as Wilhelm Reich.  Once a promising disciple of Freud, Reich branched into his theories about the unconscious, sexuality, and new sciences, he eventually got in trouble with FDA, who promptly ordered his machines and written works to be burned in bonfires.  To some, his death was not 'natural causes' since he was due to be released within weeks of his imprisionment, but rather a coordinated efforted to keep 'the Cloud buster' quiet.

Reich's main work before Orgone was the seminal book, 'The Mass psychology of Facism', which explored the effect Hitler had on the german population.  He was well respected by academia, and had a promising career in analysis like Freud, and Jung.  At this juncture, Reich established his own theory of the unconscious called Orgone, which in a nutshell said the libido wasn't a state of mind but a cosmic energy of blue that came from all people. Just how this quasi proto star wars 'force' idea came from the analysis is an interesting progression.

It started off with his theory of orgone, which essentially is the life force of all creatures (which started off a lot like the 'id' of Freud, but with Reich was the reason of all diseases and neurotic problems, orgone needed complete sexual release from people or they would armor themselves with neurotic to eventual physical problems).  To that end, Reich started experimenting with strange devices to harvest and collect orgone.  Driven from most countries, he eventually did work in America.  Reich, was his own worst enemy, with his paranoid theories about 'communists in America's elite' bent on discrediting him and his work.  He started more elaborate an exotic machines to harvest the 'good' Orgone and the evil 'T-bacilli'...his theories took on possible engines with orgone.

He could claim he could create rain with his futuristic looking orgone transmitters, and allegedly provided dought relief to farmers.  Other devices could be space weapons with orgone, and he also believed collectors that could allegedly slow down the progress of cancer in some patients.  A reporter for The New Republic, Mildred Bradley. did  a piece on him, saying that machines could cure cancer (Reich didn't claim that), and played up the idea of a scientist who was measuring couples having sex for some kind of perverted science.  Some believe this was a smear piece to exaggerate the findings of Orgone and cast Reich as a pervert scientist who claimed he could cure cancer with Orgone. 

the article that brought down the cloud buster

It was that claim, that Reich finally got afoul of the U.S. government, and with a quick show trial, the cloud buster was jailed.  His work and machines mostly destroyed, and despite the claims his mail was opened and he feared for his life, most ignored Reich.  Was the cloud buster silenced for his work?

Oddly enough the story of Wilhelm Reich was told loosely in a Kate Bush music video 'Cloudbusting' with actor Donald Sutherland as 'Reich'.

Recently, there has been a rediscovering of his work.  Reich was years before the idea of wholistic healing and the idea of the mind, life force, or orgone is only now being considered by science.  It is a tragedy that most of his work on an alleged new science that had lofty goals for the advancement of humanity was consumed by government book burnings.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thomas Edison, the first ghost buster

Thomas Edison, ghost buster

When you think of inventor Thomas Edison, you think of the light bulb, the phonograph, and any one of his amazing inventions which are still a part of modern society.  It was no wonder that he acquired the title 'the wizard of menlo park' with his invention of the electric light.  What people don't realize is that Edison also took to finding a way to contact the dead with a device full footed in science.

Thomas Edison working on an invention

Spiritualism was the craze then, and it usually centered on a 'sensitive' who could bridge our world and the other world of ghosts.  The problem was, and still is, that the evidence is completely subjective on who the sensitive is, and to enter the realm of respected science it had to pass the idea of 'repeatable experiments' in a lab, and under laboratory conditions.  The field of spiritualism became a field of fakers, hustlers, and con artists who would use crude 'proof' such as ectoplasm photographs and the like to bilk people hoping to contact the dead.  This led a backlash to the spiritualism movement, where popular magician Houdini would devote a segment of his show to showcasing the fraud in most mediums.

one of the early photo fakes which was passed off as legit contact

Enter Thomas Edison.  He believed if there was a way to confirm the world of ghosts, it could be done with science and technology.  He announced with great fan fare of his intention to make a device to contact the dead.  Edison worked on the concept and device with his usual intense drive, but with no results he reluctantly said he could not create the device(although some believe it was a strange combination of radio/electric phonograph).  There the story ended, right?

Not quite.  Although Edison himself never completed the device, some say he did and was 'dissuaded' by some in power to suppress his work.  Like the electric light, Edison's efforts are still in the field of parapsychology with the idea of EVP...Electronic voice phenomenon.  Originally the idea was to place a radio reciever in a section of 'white noise' and with electronic recordings you could pick the voices of places and things from other places, other times.  This idea moved into recording sessions where an interviewer would ask to the spirits in haunted locations and with special playback, you could confirm that there was a reply from otherworldy sources.  While still not embraced by the scientific community, EVP is a step in the right direction of gathering evidence of the beyond, and perhaps with new technology and more methods to ferret out fraud, perhaps we can discover the answer the timeless question, what is the next world?

A news segment about EVP

Edison Death Machine
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the Edison Death Machine by ZP films.  I mentioned the Edison device to filmmaker George Bonilla, I was pushing a story called spooky action...that never got anywhere, but George really liked the idea of Edison's machine and came up with the script for Edison Death Machine.  I got to help out as the assistant director on the film, and it was a fun experience working on the film. It's available at various stores right now, and worth a look.

for more info go to ZP international website. 

edison death machine trailer

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jedi knights and alien abduction

Jedi knights and alien abduction

When you see a star wars movie, the image of a brave and noble jedi knight who uses the power of his mind along his/her skills with a light saber to save the day.  The mind powers sometimes manifest itself in controlling or influencing 'weaker' minds.  In a weird way, the Jedi are connected to alien hypnosis therapy of unlocking hidden or tramautic memories with hypnotism.

jedi knights

When hypnosis first made the rounds, it was known as mesmerism after Franz Mesmer who believed his cures were the result of animal magnetism.  It was all the rage of France until it reached a blacklash from the science establishment which then decried mesmerism a fraud and a pseudo science with Mesmer and other practioners of mesmerism banished to fringe edge of science.  Only years later was the science of mesmerism given proper research under respected Scottish doctor James Braid and the practice and science of hypnosis was born.  Braid dealt more with the effects of suggestion on the human mind, and disposed of the carny aspects of mesmerism.

Franz Mesmer, first Jedi knight
Hypnosis is a means where a person could be placed into a trance, and the subconcious mind could be influenced by commands.  Seemingly miracles could be performed by people under the hypnotic state.  People could remember previous lives to minute details, perform feats of strength, and recall things with fantastic detail.  There was also some research that people could influence others without commands being spoken (my emphasis), only by suggestion in their own mind.  This aspect would be explored later with mind control and power experiments in the cold war era via government research during the cold war era.  Most notably the 'stargate' program to develop remote spy viewing from the CIA research labs.

Hypnosis is used sometimes with alien abductees to retrieve 'lost' or hidden information from their experience.  The idea is that when they are taken about a UFO, and the aliens have somehow wiped their memories of the experience and only with hypnosis can the truth of what happened be revealed.  The evidence is subjective both on the subject and the qualifications of the hypnosist (one of the main criticisms of this evidence is the witness could be 'led' to construct the situation by the therapist).  As it stands, we are only beginning to understand the human mind and some of the processes of hypnosis is still a mystery to this day.  The process of hypnosis was critical to the first modern alien abduction case of Betty and Barney Hill.  This case has more evidence to back the claims of the Hills, and the hypnosis therapy session is extremely disturbing (the therapist would not play these tapes to the Hills until after several listen and you can see why).

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Led Zeppelin, magic and aliens

Led Zeppelin is one of the first supergroups of rock...a combination of blues, folk, rock, and eastern music that still resonates in popular music and culture.  What is lesser known is guitarist Jimmy Page interest in occultist Aliester Crowley.  During Zeppelin's heyday Page would buy items about Crowley culminating in buying his house off of Loch Ness.  The first printings of Led Zeppelin III, had the motto 'Do what thou will' which was the beginning part of Crowley's magic invocation, so the career of Crowley in a weird way shadowed the mega stardom of rock's most famous group mirroring the same tragedies of crowley as well.

Jimmy Page

How Led Zeppelin is connected to UFO culture is a interesting connection.

Crowley's infamous 'Lam' spell has alien and UFO connections. 

Crowley created his spell at the house which eventually was bought years later by Jimmy Page. Some say the otherworldly creature that eerily mirrors the 'grey aliens' decades later haunted the place.  Fellow occultist and avant garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger worked on a film called 'Lucifer rising' which Page did the music at the Crowley mansion.  Ultimately, it was shelved from Page's erratic behavior from drugs, and touring. 

There is speak of aliens and UFOs are actually other dimensional creatures and that 'magic' was a ways and means to invite such creatures into our world.  Famous beat writer William Burroughs interviewed Page for Crawdaddy, and mentioned his impression of Led Zeppelin was steeped into some magic of some sort.  Perhaps stairway to heaven could be a calling a stairway of a different kind?  The invitation to Kashmir, an invite to the otherworldly as well?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1639- America's first recorded UFO and alien abduction

Alien space craft in 1639?

When you think of aliens, UFOs, and alien abduction, most people think of the famous 'Betty and Barney Hill' case from the early 60's.  However there is some support that the first recorded UFO and alien abduction case came much earlier in 1639.

Muddy River, outside of Boston

Governor John Winthrop wrote in his journal of a strange case of men on the Muddy River observed a great light which they followed for some time, suddenly this great light contracted into the shape of a pig, and after it had left the men had found themselves mysteriously back at their original spot up river.  The journal took great pains to say that these were men of good character, and implied others had also seen this light.

Governor John Winthrop

The takeaway from this is men from that time period described the light contracting in a shape of a pig which could be a craft with landing struts of some kind.  The mysterious missing time and finding themselves back at the origin point have all the markings of a classic alien abduction case.  Unfortunately outside of the journal, other evidence from that time period is scant, which at that point mass print media simply did not exist in the young country.

Just what happened?  Have UFO's and 'missing time' been a part of the new world from the very beginning?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Occult Secrets of the UFO" ebook on kindle

My nonfiction book, Occult Secrets of the UFO, is now available on kindle.  Strange sex, warlocks, and cover up conspiracy involving UFO craft and possible alien creatures.

For more information, click on the link below.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

President Ronald Reagan, alien warrior?

Was hostile aliens the real  reason for Reagan's SDI program?
Rereading Philip Corso's book, The Day after Roswell, the former military intelligence point man wrote in his book that most modern items allegedly had an origin with the crashed saucer of Roswell.  Corso said the modern items of integrated circuits, night vision, bullet proof fiber vests, and fiber optics were offshoots and seedings of military 'farming out' ideas and concepts to corporate companies still somewhat under the military wing.  These were efforts to reverse engineer alien debris from the Roswell UFO crash.   Corso talks about the military scrambling to fight someone else besides the cold war with the Soviet Union, and his motivation with the book is to the truth out to the public.

Corso was Chief of the Pentagon's Foreign Technology desk in Army Research and Development in early 60's.
Corso maintains America would experiment with weapons research to combat what the military thought was a hostile alien force, under the cover of NASA space flights.  The horror, Corso implies, is that the alien creatures could fly about our space and perform clandistine genetics experiments on humans completely unfettered.  It is interesting his take on SDI, or Ronald Reagan's 'star wars' weapons technology that the Russians were in on this, we could say it was to protect the world from a nuclear first strike but it was actually for another enemy in the night sky.

From the day after Roswell, Corso is happy with the efforts of President Reagan and SDI, and reflects on the new 'foe' of the human race.

"I was so much in the routine of being a military intelligence officer, I didn't really stop to think about the implications of UFO's and EBEs.  I understood that we were fighting a cold war with the Soviets and a skirmish war with extraterrrestrials.  I believe their intentions were, and still are, hostile, and I believe we took the steps neccessary to develop the weapons to blunt their threat." (Corso, p. 273, The Day after Roswell)

Did Reagan's SDI work blunt alien agression?  Oddly enough, a high level member of Canada's military circle came out in disclosure against others (USA, Russia, China) shoot first interaction with aliens.  It was a fairly high ranking goverment official, Paul Hellyer, Canada's former Minister of National Defense.  The video has generated some buzz, but oddly not much, which is strange considering the otherworldly claims from a former goverment official.

Canada's Former Ministry of Defense official Paul Hellyer

Here is the link to the video conference, what he says in an odd way backs up the claims of Corso. 

I did a small video talking about Reagan addressing the UN wanting to talk about an alien threat among the population would make the leaders of the world unite against a common foe.  At the time, his speech advisors took it out, but Reagan insisted on putting it back into the speech.  Was there more than just a figure of speech. and a call to action with President Reagan?  Time will tell, and if there is a defense against aliens we should take another look at SDI's true foe.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Did we land on the moon?

I made a fun film exploring the idea behind 'the faked Moon landing'.  This idea is always a hot button issue with some in the UFO community.  Some are completely convinced there was a big cover up and faked so we could beat the Russians, and others who just as passionately say we landed on the moon (for the record I do think we landed on the moon, but there is some things that some talk about the moon landing that you do say 'hmmm').

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time slips and the metaphysic time machine

Time slips and the bendable space-time

Einstein idea of space time could be affected by gravity

Time slips are a curious experience of either finding oneself in another place and time seemingly impossible by contemporary science.  Several books have been written about them, the most famous was of two elderly school teachers walking in the garden of versaille in France suddenly and impossibly walking back in time to see the court of Louis XIV.  The women were sober well respected folks not given to flights of fancy, so the question was if they did go back in time how was that accomplished?

For more information about this event, check here...

My time slip adventure

Suddenly, I found myself in a scene like this...

I would be remiss not to mention my personal and very vivid time slip that happened to me.  My wife was getting ready to go out with me, and while I waited, I turned onto some history channel about the French revolution while she was getting ready.  I didn't particularly want to watch that program, if it had been a sports channel it would have been the same, just dealing with boredom of waiting.  It had turned to something about the guillotine when like a flash I was suddenly 'standing' on a rough wooden planking of the guillotine, and it had just came down on some poor victim and the amount of blood was both shocking and real to me on a visceral level.  I was standing on the platform on the left side of the victim, and I was facing a rowdy screaming crowd of French peasants.  Information about me, and the scene came flooding like a wave.  I somehow knew I was French priest of some order, angry at God and at the blood thirsty screaming peasant mob for wanting more blood.   I somehow knew it was an overcast gloomy day which was strange for that part of France that time of year, and the smell of blood, city waste, and screams filled my nose and smote at me like a sword.  Suddenly, I was back again in my house waiting for my wife to get ready.  It was so intense, I asked loudly how long I had been gone.  What had seemed a very vivid episode for me was barely a second for my wife.  What had happened?  It took a little bit of research to find out about time slips, but of course everything is speculation.  I really believed that what happened was so unique and vivid, that it didn't come from my subconsious.  Did I really end up in France?  Was this a past life memory, or somehow my brain 'picking up' something from the past?  The sheer amount of sensory information was vivid and frightening for a moment.  I am happy to say that at this point, no more time slips.

The metaphysic time machine

the time machine from the 1966 movie

At this point, it made me wonder is time travel possible?  Most physics say unlikely given the Einstein model although there are possible methods involving black holes, or constructing a rotating neutron star to warp space time which of course puts such time machines in the realm of fantasy or science in a thousand years.  Recently I stumbled on a strange aspect in physics...the quantum zeno a nutshell, a radioactive isotope would change decay rate if it was observed which of course is impossible by most laws of physics except the weird world of quantum, string field, and collapsing waveforms.  The implication of Zeno is somewhat staggering, that reality and time itself to a degree in responsive to will (although you could argue this is thought behind spell casting and magic for what is that but a desired goal and the will to cause such change). There would have to be some kind of check and balance to this, else there would mass chaos in the streets.  Perhaps in the near future there can be a time machine using this metaphysical method to explore the past and future of time bending to will of the explorer to shape space time for a new journey.  I may do some experimenting with the metaphysic time machine in the future.

perhaps the first step into a time machine...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the presidents, the presidental election of 2012, and the UFO's

UFO's, aliens, and the president of the united states are sometimes connected

With the presidental race growing hotter and hotter this year, with political mudslinging, super PACs, and huge ego driven news media fixtures hopping up and down about whatever manufactured 'scandal' of the moment in the upcoming president race.  The one thing seems certain, whoever is in the office come 2013 will probably keep the 'status quo' on UFO matters.  President Obama follows his predecessor George W. Bush in keeping an official 'disinterest' in UFO's...see the quick way press secretary handled the caller about the UFO question, the time period statement spoke volumes on what he thought of the question and the caller.

President Clinton in a speech in Hong Kong 2005, actually addressed the Roswell incident in a speech, and admitted he wanted to know, but found nothing about it yet said he wasn't the first president lied to in office.  President Carter wanted to know about UFO's in the seventies when he was shut down by then CIA chief George H. W. Bush arguing that Carter was 'on a need to know basis' in such matters. 

I would be remiss not to add Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin letting slip on national TV about an oblisk or monolith structure they think is artifical on the moon of mars...phobos, to be extact.  Quietly the Russians and American is engaged with trying to land a probe on phobos with mixed results at this point.  Here is Buzz, trying to rally the American people to go back to space.  There seems to be a private and public tug of war within NASA...some want to address some of the issues of UFO's, aliens, and disclosure, and others still want to keep whatever knowledge is under wraps.  This clip is pretty cool since it shows the pictures of the alleged monolith structure in conjunction with Buzz's admission.

Finally, with UFO's buzzing near Newt Gingrich's political rallys in Florida, the UFO's seem to be drawn to republicans in and out of office.  I know the old story that Dick Cheney is the ultimate inside guy when it comes to UFO's and disclosure, but I was surprised by the post presidental connection to UFO's. George W. Bush...UFO beacon, who knew?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Aleister Crowley, grey aliens, and scientologist L. Ron Hubbard

I did an article for UFO digest some time back about the connection with notorious occultist and cultural icon Aleister Crowley. It turns out that the wickedest man alive may have had connections with the creature that may or may not be the 'grey' alien which is now the popular image of aliens.

Here is the popular image of occult explorer Crowley

Here is the 'otherworldly' creature that had contact with Crowley circa 1917.  The picture that Crowley drew has obvious similiarties with the popular 'grey aliens' in current UFO mythos.

Here is a link to that article in ufo digest.

A little known fact is that one of Crowley's disciples was the future scientology guru L. Ron Hubbard. Despite many spin articles and denials about it otherwise after his passing, L. Ron was quite frank in his admiration of Crowley, and certainly the idea of aliens affecting humanity as a basic concept for scientology was at least rooted in some levels with Crowley's work. If you substitute spiritual entity with other dimensional or space entity, Crowley becomes a reluctant part of the UFO pantheon.