Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mission Control, there is a Santa Claus - Video Dailymotion

My film about aliens on the moon, psychics, and NASA coverups is on dailymotion.

Mission Control, there is a Santa Claus - Video Dailymotion
Mission Control, there is a Santa Claus by goatboyfilms

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mission Control, there is a Santa Claus

Mission Control, there is a Santa Claus

I recently put together a non fiction film about the possibility of aliens on the moon.  The topic is a hot button topic with some in the UFO research field, and involves cover ups and disinformation from NASA and other space programs.  Are there aliens on the moon?  Did something else cause the Apollo program to abandon Apollo 18's flight?  Check out the film, and it's available on the embedded link below.

Occult Secrets of the UFO
I have a book about the UFO occult connection.  From the 'space brothers' of the early era of the flying saucer era to 'channeling' of NASA scientists in the race to the moon, there has been an occult connection to the moon.  If folks are interested, check out the picture/link to the book.  I plan on making a follow up book later this year.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The third eye

The third eye

Belief in human's potential to interact with the higher or spiritual realm sometimes focuses upon the concept of the third eye.  The idea is someplace in the space on your forehead is a sleeping eye awaiting to open to a newer and deeper reality.  Sometimes known as the third chakra in Indian religions, the third eye also has a signifigance to bring a person closer to another plane of existence.  There is belief that the third eye can let the person see auras, or give them the ability to read minds.

In some UFO circles, there is conjecture that this third eye is also a connection with other dimensional creatures that may be the 'aliens' of the flying saucers and UFOs.  It is true after the first modern sightings of UFO in the 1940's, there was an explosion of 'contact' stories of aliens, usually Nordic looking creatures who would contact people about the connection with aliens.  The people with elaborate contact stories were usually to a person, occultists who dabbled in channelling and the idea of the third eye took on a ways and means of contacting the creatures from beyond.  The blurring between the UFO and some proto new age thought had already taken root in some parts of popular culture.

It's easy to be amused by these claims, until you realize that the father of the Saturn V and most modern rocket engine designs from combat to science, Wernher Von Braun, always claimed that when they were working on the V-2 rockets for Nazi germany, that the scientists used channeling as a ways and means to gather knowledge from the others from the unknown beyond.  With this secret knowledge, designs from the V2 rocket were perfected until the Saturn V would take men to the moon years later.

Apollo rocket scientist and channeler Wernher Von Braun

Perhaps 'the others' helped rocket design plans via the third eye.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Occult Secrets of the UFO" ebook on kindle

My nonfiction book, Occult Secrets of the UFO, is now available on kindle.  Strange sex, warlocks, and cover up conspiracy involving UFO craft and possible alien creatures.

For more information, click on the link below.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the presidents, the presidental election of 2012, and the UFO's

UFO's, aliens, and the president of the united states are sometimes connected

With the presidental race growing hotter and hotter this year, with political mudslinging, super PACs, and huge ego driven news media fixtures hopping up and down about whatever manufactured 'scandal' of the moment in the upcoming president race.  The one thing seems certain, whoever is in the office come 2013 will probably keep the 'status quo' on UFO matters.  President Obama follows his predecessor George W. Bush in keeping an official 'disinterest' in UFO's...see the quick way press secretary handled the caller about the UFO question, the time period statement spoke volumes on what he thought of the question and the caller.

President Clinton in a speech in Hong Kong 2005, actually addressed the Roswell incident in a speech, and admitted he wanted to know, but found nothing about it yet said he wasn't the first president lied to in office.  President Carter wanted to know about UFO's in the seventies when he was shut down by then CIA chief George H. W. Bush arguing that Carter was 'on a need to know basis' in such matters. 

I would be remiss not to add Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin letting slip on national TV about an oblisk or monolith structure they think is artifical on the moon of mars...phobos, to be extact.  Quietly the Russians and American is engaged with trying to land a probe on phobos with mixed results at this point.  Here is Buzz, trying to rally the American people to go back to space.  There seems to be a private and public tug of war within NASA...some want to address some of the issues of UFO's, aliens, and disclosure, and others still want to keep whatever knowledge is under wraps.  This clip is pretty cool since it shows the pictures of the alleged monolith structure in conjunction with Buzz's admission.

Finally, with UFO's buzzing near Newt Gingrich's political rallys in Florida, the UFO's seem to be drawn to republicans in and out of office.  I know the old story that Dick Cheney is the ultimate inside guy when it comes to UFO's and disclosure, but I was surprised by the post presidental connection to UFO's. George W. Bush...UFO beacon, who knew?