Showing posts with label Loch ness monster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loch ness monster. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Monkey man of Delhi

The Monkey man of Delhi

Monkey man of Delhi
 In May of 2001, reports of a strange monster surfaced in India.  By most accounts, it was a biped monkey man with a metal helmet, claws, glowing red eyes, and a chest with some device that had lights on it.  Panic swept the country as hysteria gripped the population.  People were trampled and some reports of deaths from frightened folks escaping this monster.  Some claimed it was a botched science experiment, and others claimed it was mass hysteria.  Yet the question remains, what was the monkey man monster in India?

I'm hazarding a guess this is a manifestation of 'ultraterrestrial' energy into a monster concept from maverick UFO investigator John Keel.  It was a concept he most famously connected to the mothman sightings out of point pleasant, and it was Keel thoughts to describe things such as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.  Essentially the 'monster' winks into our universe from other dimensions stays for a time, and then either returns back from where it came from or dissolve back from the energy that created it.  It does seem to be a connection to the famous 'Mothman' or 'Jersey Devil' in that it is a strange creature which seems to defy any normal description. 

Keel in his book, The Eighth Tower, wonders if these monsters which populate the globe with endless variety point to an otherworldly intelligence behind it.  One of the strange patterns Keel found is that monsters and UFO's were spotted more on Wednesdays than any other day.  One more connection of strangeness and unexplained in regards to monsters and UFO circles.  I'm looking to see if there was a Men in Black or MIB connection with the monkey man monster.

Is there something to the monkey man terror of India?  Only with more research can the answer be released.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My paranormal UFO encounter (from 'Monsters of the UFO)

  This is an excerpt from my book, Monsters of the UFO, which should be available world wide very soon.

My paranormal UFO encounter

I would be remiss if I didn't include my encounter with a UFO that delved into the weird paranormal realm.  My wife and I were walking to a parking garage when we both spotted something out of the ordinary.  It seemed at first like an odd shaped plane flying in an odd pattern when I realized something was definitely off about it.  I quickly grabbed my pocket HD mini camcorder and fixing the object's position near a lamp post.  I remember following the object keeping it in the view finder and talking to my wife as we observed the flight of the strange object.  Quickly the object went out of sight, and I was confident I had some concrete evidence of what we had seen.

I was shocked and surprised on the playback there was nothing to be seen.

Baffled by this, I still uploaded the video onto youtube.  I was mystified by disappearance of the object.  Did I imagine it?  My wife and I both saw the object and I remember taking the time to use the lamp post as a reference point for the path of the object.  Ironically, you can still hear the audio of us talking about the object where there is nothing on the video playback.

Only later after dealing with the strange concepts of UFOs, and monsters of the UFO from the ideas of Holiday, Keel, and Swann could I go back to my strange UFO video and look at it differently.  The concept is UFO's, men in black, bigfoot, and sea serpents such as the Loch Ness Monster are in effect paranormal things that can wink in and out of our existence and come from dimensions beyond our comprehension.  Thus the hundred of years of eye witness testimony of strange creatures, and aerial phenomenon that could now be called UFO's with modern ideas and pop culture.  Yet other than shaky evidence, nothing solid to back up the eye witness accounts.

If UFO's and other creatures of the UFO are truly paranormal things connecting worlds, perhaps we 'saw' the object either by some form of telepathy, but the technology of the camcorder simply isn't sensitive enough to capture something that could be flittering about the dimensions.  One of the frustrating aspects of the monsters from the UFO is the lack of concrete proof that cannot be replicated in laboratory conditions, and so like my camcorder footage...its subjective proof which is only backed up by personal accounts.  Perhaps with more advancements in science and detections can we truly see monsters of the UFO.

For the blog UFO Blur zone, I've also included the link to the video I took that day...

Monday, February 18, 2013

the paranormal Bigfoot?

The paranormal Bigfoot?
Bigfoot...creature or something more?

One of the most enduring legends is of a wild hairy creatures that roams the mountain sides and forests world wide.  Some call it the Yeti, the Grey man, or most commonly Bigfoot.  Outside of footprints, and some marginal evidence, the only evidence is first hand sightings.  No remains of Bigfoot, or of any droppings, has yet to pass rigorous scientific testing.  So the basic conflict is there, how can you account for the many sightings of the creature spanning hundreds of years, across the globe, and yet outside of the alleged Patterson film no concrete evidence?

Enter F. W. Holiday's basic idea of the 'phantom menagerie' from his book, the Goblin universe.  Holiday believes after studies the loch ness monster, and other alleged creatures that they may be more of a paranormal creation.  He believes like Jung, that UFO's are not machines from other worlds, but rather paranormal entities.  That the loch ness monster, big foot, and men in black could be paranormal things more akin to medieval demons, and could originate in other dimensions..'winking' into our world at will.  Of course, this is only a theory and unless there is some strong collaborating evidence to support Holiday, it still remains outside mainstream scientific thought.

some say men in black are actually otherworldly things
 Still, perhaps the Bigfoot has more in common with the boogeyman or ghosts then previously thought.  Only with more research can the answer be found.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Loch Ness Monster, paranormal worm from beyond?

Loch Ness Monster, paranormal worm from beyond?

Loch ness monster in a recent sighting?

The Loch Ness monster, or 'Nessie' has become a staple of popular culture, and has been the subject of several hi tech searches of the murky waters to capture or spot the monster.  Some say Nessie is a hidden dinosaur, and others say it is a hoax with many delusional people seeing the sea monster.  The fact remains, outside of folklore, sighting and shaky photo evidence, nothing concrete is there about Nessie.  Could there be a more bizarre and other worldly explanation to the existence of the Loch Ness Monster?

Are dragons a myth or something more otherworldly?

Enter paranormal investor, F.W. Holiday, and his book 'The dragon and the disc' which concludes that the stories of the Loch Ness monster point out to a real creature, yet it was also connected the UFO mythos of sea serpents from other worlds...other dimensions.

connecting the 'orm with UFO and paranormal mythos

He supports the idea that nessie may be a paranormal creature that is associated with magic, and points out that notorious magician Aliester Crowley had a house on the shore of Loch Ness, and he was rumored to summon a dragon worm to the Loch which ended in failure for Crowley, and this failure began to mark the decline of the warlock.

Crowley is rumored to summon a great worm from beyond

Is Nessie lurking in the waters, or is it something connected to the UFO mythos of men in black, aliens, telepathy, and worms from beyond?  Only with more research can the answer be found.